Living in Alignment: A Reflection on Authenticity

As I begin a new week, I have a myriad of things I’m having to navigate especially within my career life. Managing working in higher education while running my own holistic wellness business has been extremely busy the past several months. Astrologically, with Chiron in Aries in my 10th house of career and public (and with Chiron currently being in Aries!), I realize there is a lot of healing happening as it relates to me being in the public and how I assert myself. Plus, the 10th house is ruled by Saturn, so my ability to be in alignment with my truth as it relates to my career is under review (Mercury is also in retrograde in my 10th house…YIKES!).

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves and drift away from living in alignment with who we truly are. The question arises: have I been living in alignment with who I truly am recently? It's a profound question that invites us to pause, reflect, and assess our current state of being.

Living authentically means being true to oneself, honoring our values, beliefs, and desires. It's about living in a way that feels genuine and aligned with our innermost being. However, the reality is that many of us often find ourselves out of sync with our true selves. We might prioritize the expectations of others over our own needs, or get caught up in the demands of work and daily responsibilities, losing touch with our authentic selves in the process.

So, why do we sometimes stray from living authentically? There are several reasons, and it's essential to explore them with honesty and compassion. One common reason is societal pressure. We live in a world that often imposes unrealistic standards and expectations on us, leading us to conform to societal norms rather than staying true to ourselves.

Another reason is fear. Fear of judgment, rejection, or failure can prevent us from expressing our true selves and living authentically. We might hide behind a mask, afraid to show our vulnerabilities and imperfections to the world.

Moreover, the busyness of modern life can also contribute to our disconnection from our authentic selves. We get so caught up in our routines and obligations that we forget to check in with ourselves and see if our actions are in alignment with our true desires and values.

So, what can we do to realign ourselves with who we truly are? The first step is self-awareness. We need to take the time to reflect on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and honestly assess whether they are in harmony with our authentic selves. Journaling, meditation, or talking to a trusted friend or therapist can help us gain clarity on this.

Next, it's essential to identify any external factors that may be influencing us to live out of alignment with our true selves. This could include toxic relationships, societal expectations, or internalized beliefs that no longer serve us. Once we identify these factors, we can take steps to eliminate or minimize their impact on our lives.

Similarly, we must take action to live more authentically. This could involve setting boundaries with others, pursuing activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, or making changes in our career or lifestyle that align more closely with our values and passions.

Finally, modalities like astrology and reviewing your birth chart can assist with better determining the soul’s journey as it relates to gaining alignment with authenticity. Understanding my birth chart, particularly as it relates to those aspects that point out healing and where I need to consider realignment as it relates to my gifts and purpose has been a gamechanger for me. My level of self-acceptance is much higher with this understanding.

In conclusion, living in alignment with who we truly are is a lifelong journey. It requires self-awareness, courage, and a willingness to let go of anything that no longer serves our highest good. By asking ourselves the question, "Have I been living in alignment with who I truly am recently?" and taking the necessary steps to realign ourselves when needed, we can live more authentic, fulfilling lives.

For a birth chart reading to gain more insight about your natal planet placements and how to use their energy for more alignment with your authentic self, CLICK HERE.


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